Cast in-situ polished concrete countertops, concrete countertops, concrete worktops, concrete worktop, concrete walls, concrete repair, concrete furniture and concrete fireplaces | White + Reid

Hand crafted
concrete countertops and 
visual concrete repair

At w+r we specialise in producing cast in-situ concrete countertops, furniture and architectural features and carrying out cosmetic concrete repair to visual concrete surfaces. Drawing on a wealth of experience and a creative sensibility our work encompasses the creation of bespoke and truly unique fair-faced concrete surfaces that grace any space they inhabit and the production of high quality visual concrete repairs to fair-faced concrete surfaces.

We believe in ‘truth to materials’ and aim to celebrate the concreteness of concrete. Simplicity of design, line and form are best placed to facilitate this, to allow the material to speak for itself. Our visual concrete repair is always sympathetic to the original design intent and intervention is low key. Our aim is to exceed our clients’ expectations as to the level of quality of finish expected of in-situ concrete.

Examples of our work can be seen in      
Wigmore Street, London and Richmond Road, Richmond.

Project: Apollo Studio
Architect: South Studio Architects
Photographer: Chris Snook
Product: Natural Natural Grey Concrete Countertop
Apollo Studio -