Concrete repair and remedial work
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w+r carry out cosmetic repair and remedial work to architectural and visual fair-faced concrete surfaces.
We produce high quality sympathetic repair that maintains the individual nuances of each unique visual concrete surface with the aim not to detract from the original design intent and visual aesthetic.
Typical types of repair and remedial work that we carry out include:
Patch repairs to blowholes / Remodelling of edges and arrises / Filling of areas of honeycombing, grout loss and sand runs / Colour matching or correcting of areas displaying hydration staining, water staining, differential curing and rebar ghosting / Construction damage repair / Cleaning or camouflaging of stains / Tie hole repair and filling / Remodelling and repair of boardmark finish surfaces / General repair and cleaning.
w+r also offer a repair, maintenance and refurbishment service for concrete countertops and worktops.
If you have any queries with regard to concrete repair or would like to arrange a site visit, please contact us for more information.